Create your own catkin-robosherlock package

Let’s create a new package called rs_tutorial. Make sure you are in the source folder of a catkin workspace and run:

rosrun robosherlock rs_create_package rs_tutorial

or if you’ve added the scripts folder to your PATH simply run:

rs_create_package rs_tutorial

The script will create a new catkin package that has the structure needed for Robosherlock.:

    |-analysis_engines -> yaml definitions of aggregate AEs
    |-annotators       -> yaml definitions of primitive AEs
    |-typesystem       -> yaml deginitions of the typesystem
       |-all_types.xml -> typesystem definition
    |-package_name     -> include folder
       |-types         -> folder for the auto-generated type implementations
 |-src                 -> code base
 |-package.xml         -> catkin package xml
 |-CMakeLists.txt      -> CMake file

It edits the CMakeLists.txt, sets the CMake variables needed for code generation. finding annotations automatically:

## Constants for project                                                      ##
set(NAMESPACE package_name)
set(TYPESYSTEM_CPP_PATH ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/package_name/types)
set(TYPESYSTEM_XML_PATH ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/descriptors/typesystem)
set(ANNOTATOR_PATH      ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/descriptors/annotators)
set(ENGINE_PATH         ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/descriptors/analysis_engines)

## Update analysis engines, typesystem and include all relevant files         ##

## generate classes from the typesystem xml files
#find all relevant files

The first part sets the five CMake variables that are in turned used by the scripts that are called in the second part.

  • generate_type_system: checks if we have newly defined types in the xml descriptions and generates the C++ container classes for them

You can now add your custom annotators and pipeline analysis engines that can use any component defined in the RoboSherlock core package. If you want rs_tutorial to depend on other robosherlock packages add them to the package.xml and CmakeLists.txt.